Facebook Advertising: 3 Strategies To Sell More

In this article, I share 3 strategies used by top sales and digital marketing gurus across the digital space to get high conversion and make sales worth millions using Facebook Advertising.

Strategy #1 – OFFER

The first part of running a highly successful Facebook ad is your offer. You need a strong offer that commands attention and solicits an answer. To make an incredible offer, use the formula below; 

Would you like to get X without having to do Y?” 

Where X = What they want.

Y= What they don’t want.

This formula is simple and super powerful.

This formula is important because it asks. When your ad asks a question it demands an answer. It is human nature; they have to answer it. Some people want it, others don’t. Everyone who sees it makes the decision at reflex speed. Also, know that the image or video (or any other visual elements) you use is part of the offer. Hence, it must match the words in the ad.

Strategy #2 – AUDIENCE 

The right audience-offer combo is the ONLY way you will make money from Facebook ads. You can have the greatest offer in the world, but if you put it in front of the wrong audience, you would not sell a thing. You have to present the right audience with the right offer; and that is where targeting comes into play.

For example, you can target local audience for real estate products and target global audience for sales trainings, digital products, and seminars.

It is also best to keep hitting the same audience over and over (re-targeting). Familiarity goes a long way to warm up the audience and build trust.

Strategy #3 – SALES FUNNEL

The third strategy to Facebook advertising success is having a sales funnel that converts. Always make an offer that goes to a landing page that collects relevant customer information like name, email address, and telephone number.

The customer’s journey should look like this;

FB ad >> Presell Article/video>>Landing Page >> Sales Page>>Order Page>>Thank You Message

On your landing page, the offer is reinforced. When the audience opt-in, they get what was offered. 

On the presell article, you showcase your product or offer which will redirect them to the sales page of your website (if they want your offer). 

On the sales page, your audience gets the chance to read about the special offer and decide to make an order. If they order and make a purchase, a thank you mail should be sent to them. It is that SIMPLE.

Bonus Tips

Another point to note is the fact that people scroll Facebook quickly, so your ad needs to stand out. Ask them a simple question they can answer to make a decision, run split test ads (A/B testing), and post regularly on your fan pages. Produce a ton of content to drive traffic, eyes, and organic exposure to your offers and ads as well. That’s what top sales gurus do.

After versions of the ad have run for one or two days, shut down or tweak the weaker ads. It is advised to terminate or tweak ads that cost more per click, get less exposure, or don’t convert. 

Make sure to check the Facebook Ads Manager daily to monitor your ads, see their performance, and optimize for the best results. Do not hesitate to take down the ads that are not performing.

Knowing how to run successful Facebook ads is one single activity that will improve the turnover and sales performance of your business. From the comfort of your office or home, you can run Facebook ads to convert traffic to customers, and also observe and measure the performance of your marketing campaign.